Together against radicalisation

Knowledge for Development Without Borders said:
We could not separate our activiy of the promotion of the knowledge and skills for development to the prevention of violent extremist and radicalisation. We think that these topics are interconnected. Therefore, in addition to our core activity which consists to train disadvantaged individuals in peripheral regions in developing regions in ICT (Information and communication technologies) and business skills, we are developping a growing knowledge base that stimulates awareness of terrorism, violent extremism, illegal migration and cybercrime; it explores the risks involved in these crimes and provides practical measures for at-risk individuals to navigate contributing social traps; and, in a constantly changing environment, it creates an efficient feedback loop for continuous gathering of newinformation that contributes to an constant bettering of understanding in terms of changing behaviors and tactics.
Below you can find some of our training materials (in the process of production) as well as some useful education materials from other sources on prevention of extrimist and radicalisation.

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Resources: The Islamic Human Rights Commission has produced a comprehensive page of Prevent Strategy campaign resources

Resources: you can also access to great video campaign resources on Vimeo

Resources for experts and field practitioners: The Radicalisation Awareness Network is an umbrella network connecting people involved in preventing radicalisation and violent extremism throughout Europe. Within RAN, first-liners from different European countries can meet others in their area of expertise to exchange ideas, knowledge and experiences on countering radicalisation and violent extremism. Training sessions on how to develop and run an online campaign that have been taking place around the EU, you might want to check out the training material used. The material has been translated into all official EU languages, and is available online as soon as training has taken place in that country.

The Mind Over Media website uses crowdsourcing to create a Propaganda Gallery. Users upload content, share their personal interpretations, and then evaluate the potential impact of the images, websites and videos they share..
The Redirect Method uses Adwords targeting tools and curated YouTube videos uploaded by people all around the world to confront online radicalization. It focuses on the slice of ISIS’ audience that is most susceptible to its messaging, and redirects them towards curated YouTube videos debunking ISIS recruiting themes. This open methodology was developed from interviews with ISIS defectors, respects users’ privacy and can be deployed to tackle other types of violent recruiting discourses online.
Ressources : Des outils simples et conviviaux sont à la disposition de tous : parents, membres de la communauté, enseignants et enseignantes, spécialistes en intervention sociale, professionnels et professionnelles de la santé, etc. Ces outils pratiques ont pour but de faciliter toute démarche d’information, de sensibilisation ou de prévention concernant les phénomènes de radicalisation menant à la violence.

Greater Efforts Needed to Combat smuggling and Violence.

Illegal immigration, the human tragedy of the 21st century. The dreams, risks and illusions for a better life…

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