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Our organizationโ€™s Spirit is to support the ongoing efforts of private sector, local governments, funding agencies, development agencies, universities, banks, development researches agencies, institutions, CBOs, NGOs, foundations etc. to better target, focus and measure quickly their efforts, researches, investments and development interventions at local community level. home / forum / No one should be left behind

Tools for Development Aid Support

As a Global Social Service Support to SDGs we strive to mobilize, connect people, empower local Citizens worldwide without distinction so that they know, understand, secure and enforce their roles, responsibilities and engagements in the achievement of SDGs. Access to ICT skills and knowledge that promote local and global sustainable development is one of our chores. We use online and offline tools in order to provide support for communities that are affected by social, economic and environmental sustainable development issues.

DISCOVER the concept behind our sustainable development approach

Tool 1 / Information collection & development of case studies

We are collecting information and developing case studies. You can click on this link here to raise important issues and request development aid support / Home / Information collection

The online support request form allows you to describe the problems that you are currently experiencing. This will alert local governments and international aid organisations about your situation and request for support.

Tool 2 / Forum on Sustainable Development (SDGs)

Did you believe we can reach the SDGs Goals and Targets? – You can lick on this link here to join our forum that focused on sharing ideas, efforts and best practices on what you are doing or what you think we should do to reach the SDGs you are interested in your country or at your place.

Home / forum

You can find each goal with the related link forum. To start click on the goal then view more to enter the forum room.
You can stay anonymous but we will advise you to share a correct forum mail adresse so that you should receive an update on the topic you have created, commented or you are following. Please note that the forum – see more here – is available in more than 50 languages via the translation option available on our website.

Tool 3 / Online & Physical / Regional Academy in West Africa

We have delivered successfully trainings which lead to a pressure of the creation of our regional academy proposal to respond effectively to the development challenges of the local communities

KFDWB is currently working on launching a Phyiscal Regional Academy in West Africa to deliver skills and knowledge training on a regular basis and facilitate field experience opportunities there such as work placements, coaching and mentoring. The training will address four kinds of skills: Digital Literacy; Financial Literacy; Business Development and Cultural Development. This will empower the local community and encourage growth.

Home / knowledge /Jobs, skills and knowledge for combatting irregular migration

/ Home / Tool / Physical / Regional Academy in West Africa

Tool 3 / Teaching and Learning Materials Center

Developing nations need to harness the wealth of knowledge created in the developed world while capitalizing on local knowledge for a sustainable development.

Home / teaching and learning materials center

Moreover, we are developping a growing knowledge base that stimulates awareness of terrorism, violent extremism, illegal migration and cybercrime (click on Home/ Together against radicalisation); it explores the risks involved in these crimes and provides practical measures for at-risk individuals to navigate contributing social traps; and, in a constantly changing environment, it creates an efficient feedback loop for continuous gathering of newinformation that contributes to an constant bettering of understanding in terms of changing behaviors and tactics.

Tool 4 / Our training program 2019

The core process of our Trainee Program is to equip our trainees with the Job skills development they need to access with success to local or an international Job placement in the future. Our organization is committed to that. Our Trainee Program is always a small project-based internship which means the Trainee will work on a small Project with a common agreement on the measurable outcome of project delivery.

The program 2019 is target to students, joung researchers, volunteers and individuals who are willing to get a knowledge and practice in project management and research that promote job skills in demand in their respective career path.

Home / Internship / job skills in demand

The Vision of KFDWB about Knowledge Development

The Vision of KFFWB / about the knowledge for development

KFDWB Development Aid Support Mechanism

KFDWB Development Aid Support Mechanism is a tool to accelerate SDGs, and to combat terrorism, violent extremism, illegal migration and cybercrime. An introduction of this tool can be downlodaed below.
Home / knowledge / mitigate extremism and violence


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